About Me

My name is Sarah and I’ve recently given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Before I was pregnant I was a real foodie, an avid planner and really enjoying my food, be it home cooked or eating out. However in the early stages of pregnancy, I really went off my food and cooking as well, and I’ve been finding it really difficult to fit food back into my life, currently through lack of planning and time!!

So as a new years resolution for 2012 I have given myself a little project, taking inspiration from the movie Julie and Julia. I am going to work my way through Delia Smith’s Complete Cookery Course, cooking all 548 recipes throughout the year. I am hoping this will reignite my love of cooking, as well as encourage me to shop more at local markets and greengrocers rather than supermarkets (which should also save money!), and encourage my husband and I to eat things we wouldn’t normally try.

The reason I have chosen Delia’s collection is because it is a complete classic, and for me Delia really is the icon of British home cooking which is why she has been so popular for decades. I will try and follow her recipes as closely as I can (ingredients and meat cuts etc permitting) and use my husbands fantastic photography skills to share them with you.

Happy New Year!!!